Sunday, August 21, 2011

Books Thirty-Two and Thirty-Three: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

Oh WOW I definitely read both of these books at the cabin a few months ago, totally forgot about them, and remembered only when my genetics professor mentioned Alice in class today. So I'm two books further along than I though! Unfortunately I have two essays due and I don't really remember what I wanted to say about these books, only that they were

1) beautifully illustrated
2) something I would read to my children
3) extremely freaking strange.

Also, Alice comes off way snarkier in the books than in the movies. Okay, I realize this was a wimpy post, so have a clip from the movie to make up for it. I just love the part where the Walrus just strolls into the water with the cigar. Although I'm pretty sure this used to make me cry as a child, which might explain my vegetarianism now...though I do still eat shellfish. Hmmm.

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