Thursday, June 2, 2011

Book Twenty-Three - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

I'm just gonna throw out the bullet points today since I'm moving back home tomorrow and I need to go steal boxes out of a dumpster! So excited. My room is very bare and dusty. Also, I have reached the conclusion that I have too many books. (But I always feel this way when I have to carry them down stairs, hahah)


-I read this book in school, like every other American teenager ever. I remember it being a lot more boring then.

-The beginning when he's being civilized and they form the gang of bandits? My roommate ran into the kitchen all confused because I was laughing hysterically. She tells me I sounded like a crazy person.

-The descriptions of nature and the river and the night are so, so beautiful. Mark Twain really manages to put you right in the middle of the scene without being heavyhanded or cliched. Another thing I liked is that throughout everything there is still a very strong sense of Huck - the book never forget that its narrator is still a kid, clever as that kid may be.

-I have such a strong desire to punch Tom Sawyer in the face. No, I won't apologize, even if he is hilarious.

-This is the perfect book to read right before summer. There's such a sense of freedom to it, of unexplored possibilities and just the easiness of walking away from everything and drifting....not the best book to read when you're trying to finish up your undergraduate career, and that's all I'm gonna say about that.

-I don't wanna talk about the racism thing too much cause that's practically ALL we talked about when we read this in high school, but I will say that Huck deciding to go to hell to save Jim? That was pretty great.

-Not gonna lie, I started researching canoe trips down the Mississippi after this. Maybe one day...

Overall: In my mind, classic usually means boring. But this book is clever and sharp-edged and thoughtful in a way the you don't usually see. Also, I'm sort of in love with Huck.

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